Poultry processing


There is no minimum number of birds for processing. 

** ANY BIRD THAT HAS A DRESSED WIEGHT OF UNDER 4.5# IS $8** (Does not include ornamental birds)

All birds will be clean, seal and labeled. Birds are chilled only and must be picked up same day. 

* Non inspected Broilers, Stew hens, Roosters - $6 each 

* USDA inspected birds - $7.25

* Ornamental birds- $10 each (Silkies, Bantam, Crested/Fancy) if unsure ask.

*Cleaned gizzard $1 each 

*Cleaned feet $.25/ set 

*Hearts $.25 each

*Livers $.25 each 

Bulk gizzards uncleaned $.25 (If USDA inspected unclean gizzard are dyed black) 

 Turkey Processing 

 $1 per pound dressed weight.